Donate Today to Protect First Responders

Your gift today can save a life

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Your gift today can save a life

Help Protect Those Who Serve & Protect All of Us

The Dickey Foundation’s mission is to protect our first responders. The Foundation has proudly provided protective armor for more than 2,000 law enforcement officers and has exciting plans. We hope you’ll join us in our life-saving mission today.

Your gift can save a life. Your gift could mean that an officer makes it home safely to tuck in children or that their family won’t worry quite as much because of the lifesaving protective armor your gift provided.

We salute our first responders for their bravery and we thank you for considering a gift today. We hope you can share your gratitude with these important first responders by donating to The Dickey Foundation. No gift is too small – be it $25 or $250, $50 or $500, whatever works for you!

Thank you again for caring about our first responders and The Dickey Foundation!